Saturday, April 24, 2010


I find it hard to imagine anything more precious than a baby's feet.
My daughter, Destiney snapped this picture one day when I was kissing sweet
Kinsey's feet. I play with her often like this and we have our bonding time.
Her face so soft and eyes so blue they can look right through you.
Little hands that hold on tight to your fingers and won't let go always make me
smile, but those little feet that will skip and jump, run and stumble,
carry her through her years, will take her to new places,
lead her in many directions, but always bring her back home.
How can there be anything more sweet!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, it's so pretty, I love your new header...and the picture of you with Kinsey is so cute. I love little baby feetsies, too.
    Thanks for your comment on Jack...I thought about him last nite and remembered some of the cutest things he did.
    talk to you later.


I do love your comments Thanks so much!