This is a pic of my Dad in his Army uniform. Isn't he just so handsome?
He didn't serve during war time but still stepped up and
was willing to fight if need be for our country.
Daddy has always been a strong hold in my life no
matter what was going on he was always there.
He's still there and I thank God for him everyday.
Daddy taught us to love our country and respect our flag.
Took us to church on Sunday mornings and taught us about God.
Took us all fishing on the Dam at Ft. Cobb Lake, He still
laughs when he tells the story about taking us fishing and he was
so busy taking our fish off the hook and putting another worm on that
he didn't even get to fish.
Always worked hard and provided for his family.
He still teaches me things everyday.
A strong man with a lot of heart.
My Daddy My Hero.